Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Why the fuck do you people walk down the middle of the street in the parking lot????

I stopped by Walmart this evening to quickly pick up some dinner. Every single person walking through the parking lot was walking in the middle of the fucking road. What the hell happened to using some common sense, and having a little courtesy. All that I was trying to do is park my damn car, but I cant drive faster than a snails pace. These fat useless slobs trying to move their disgusting bodies through the parking lot don't seem to understand that walking in the middle of the road, may be rude..

This shit just blows my mind.. Take 3 fucking steps to the side and cars can pass in a orderly manner. If however, you walk your dumb massive ass down the middle of the road, the line of cars behind you has to wait on you. I guess this is your one moment in life to assert some small amount of power before you have to go back to your shitty job, or your shitty spouse, and have your shitty balls kicked in on a minute by minute basis.. What a pathetic existence you useless slobs must live. I fucking hate you people...

I suppose I should feel bad for these pathetic losers, but I don't!! I fucking swear, to fucking god, that at some point I'm just going to run one of these useless, self absorbed 300 pound chunks of shit over. Maybe being dragged under a truck for a few miles will grind some of the stupid off. Hey, at least you'll lose a few hundred pounds and feed some birds in the process.... Think about the fucking eco-system loser.. The shitty part is that I'll go to prison even though god clearly hates these people, and likely wants them to die anyway. This is based on the fact that they've clearly not evolved to a degree that allows them to function in society. God has left them behind. And don't get up in my shit for using god and evolution in the same sentence! God created evolution, because he doesn't micromanage progress, like most of you useless losers! Bottom line is that these people are an abomination to nature and should be dragged under a truck, at the very least!

Please feel free to comment. If your comment is worthy of my blog I will crate a post of it and give you full credit. At which point you can brag to your friends, and you will most likely finally get laid... Have a blessed day!

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