Saturday, November 24, 2012

God hates retards... Don't get all fucking weird, you know you agree!!

Ok, so this is a delicate subject... And it may come off as a bit insensitive. If you have a loved one that's retarded, or are a sensitive person in general, please consider skipping over this post for one of my more family friendly posts. Perhaps the one about the clitoris, or midget porn.. Either are heart warming enough for a delicate flower such as yourself, shit head....

I firmly believe that we as a society should not keep retarded people alive who can not fend for themselves. I'm not necessarily talking about those cute mildly retards that bag my groceries in the store. They serve a purpose, they make me laugh, the silly little fuckers... But, people that need machines to keep them alive, or people that can't wipe their own ass should be banished to the African plains. If they can fend for themselves, well, life's a cruel stinky whore.. If they're eaten by fucking hyenas, than that's gods will. This was a common practice through most of human history, and it made our race strong. Fuck, the poor drooling bastards probably wouldn't know the difference anyway, and it would be one less retard using up our finite resources. I know a woman that has a severely retarded child that needs 24 hour care and machines to keep him from dying. Yes this means that your tax dollars are paying to keep it alive, changes the argument a little huh? 30 years ago this kid wouldn't have lived more than an hour. Now, she can barely work, and can't talk about anything but what a miracle it is that he's still alive. This isn't a miracle, it's fucking torture. These people are torturing this poor thing that god long ago gave up on. Sad too, she has nice tits, what a fucking waste...

Look, I have nothing against retards. But like a chihuahua they serve no purpose and should be eradicated  They have no function in the natural world, and are a clearly an abomination. We as evolved beings should correct the errors that we see to cleanse society and our planet. We should not keep blobs of flesh alive simply because they were born to human parents, god will punish you...

As always please feel free to leave a comment, and if your comment is blog worthy I'll reply, and turn it into a post. Have a blessed day!

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